The C-Tac® Instructor Program
Introducing the C-Tac® System: Empowering You with Effective Self-Defense Skills

Due to the nature of society, more and more people are looking for a more tactical, real-world source of information to educate them and keep them safe in their lives. We believe that in the next 5-6 years, if you do not have a good answer to this question, you will be behind the curve in the martial arts industry. Unfortunately, the few groups that claim to have a good answer fall short.
This is why Coach Baker created the Civilian Tactical Training Association and the C-Tac program. C-Tac is a professional program with an organized curriculum that focuses on the tactical answer that people will come into your school looking for. The program was designed with the martial arts academy or tactical training model in mind, so it fits into the culture very well.
There are at least two instructor camps per year. Once you are in the program, you can attend them all as part of the program. All instructor testing is part of the program.
The instructor video curriculum is in the instructor’s archive, and you have access to that as well through this site. The Association supplies the teaching materials needed to do and offer the program. Marketing materials are included in the package as well. You will be listed on the Association website as a certified affiliate instructor.
When you go through the first event, most instructors are able to begin teaching Phase 1 of the C-Tac program if they are comfortable doing so.
The CTTA also has a martial arts business training school for those looking for in-depth training in running a professional martial business.
For more information or to ask any questions, please contact us.
What is Included In The Affiliate Instructor Program
Three Instructor Camps Each Year.
Instructor Testing Included
Online instructor Video Archive
Training & Teaching Methods
Previous Training Camp Videos
Instructor Manuals
Instructor Listing On The Website
Student Guide Cards & Classroom materials
Marketing Materials
C-Tac Logos
Help With Social Media Banners & Imagery
Business Mentoring
Access to our C-Tac Training Partners Program

The Instructor Training Program Is Taught In Four Phases

Phase 1 “The Basics”
This phase starts the students’ journey with C-Tac. They learn the basics of our empty hand defensive tactic method as well as the principle of applying it based on a socially expectable force continuum. Then begin to learn the principles around gun and knife disarming. We believe strongly in principle-based education, which is part of our unique educational process. This process is what sets us apart from others in our field. In addition, the student starts to develop the mental processes for tactical awareness and tactical environmental placement.

Phase 2 “The Car Phase”
The C-Tac vehicle phase is the next exciting step in the training process. The student will take all the elements learned in phase one and apply them in and around motor vehicles from fighting in and around the car to dealing with firearms in the same environment. The students’ tactical environmental placement is also applied to this as they learn to construct driving routes to and from work and home like a professional perfection agent. Dealing with choke points, roadblocks, and emergency driving are covered along with counter-surveillance methods. All firearm training is now trained from concealed carry.

Phase 3 “The War Phase”
The third phase of the system is a step up in Senecio training. The study introduces the fundamentals of the dog boxing program. The student will learn to apply previous material under an increased stress level. Along with this, the offensive use of knives and blunt urban weapons are introduced into the mix. We also begin a deeper dive into the Counter grappling and ground fighting program. The student also starts to study the methodology of fighting from an undesired position.

Phase 4 “Advanced Training”
Phase 4 (The Black Level) Begins an advanced study of the C-Tac fundamentals of the system. Coach Alan introduces his core universal principles, which allow the student a methodology to take a deep dive into the human-machine and the methods to develop higher levels of human performance under stressful situations. We commonly say that it is simple themes that are done at our levels that win violent encounters. The universal principles will help us find those simple truths and then help us in ingrain those ideas and reactions into the body so they will be there when we need them.
The C-Tac system was developed to mentally and physically prepare you for dangerous situations by teaching you pre-fight conflict-resolution techniques and situational awareness. Both beginners and advanced students can train and become proficient in C-Tac.
~ Coach Alan

Student Ranking Progression
Each phase is broken down into three levels of rank. These are the reparations that the students follow in the system. This allows for a structured advancement process as well as creates the ability to have organized testing and advancement for your students.
“Turn on any TV, watch the news, and you will see how changes in today’s world and in our culture are creating the need for information and training that exceeds what a regular martial art school or Karate program has to offer. The many benefits of martial arts in our culture have been proven over time and are more than can be mentioned here, but today’s martial arts community simply does not offer the experience, background, or knowledge needed to effectively meet the needs in areas that need more specialized practical applications.”
– Coach Alan Baker
Instructor Program Support Materials

C-Tac Branding Materials
there are several variations to the brand in order to create more options of marketing yourself as an affiliate

Student Training Cards
The program will supply various student training materials. These materials are available in the instructor archive, so you do not have to create them. You can also get them from the association leadership.

Online Instructor Videos
All of the material in the C-Tac Curriculum has been recorded for reference to the Instructors. If you have a question, log on to the website and look in the instructor area for the videos. Each video is recorded with the instructor in mind, so it is explained in a way that is focused on teaching the material.
How It Works:

The C-Tac Tactical Training Partners Program
The tactical training partners program gives you the affiliate access to some of the industry’s top training instructors and facilities throughout the United States. Throughout the year, we will pick events that we will attend with our training partners. These events will be open to anyone in the association and allow all attendees to train at an advanced level with these premier training facilities. For an affiliate introduction, please contact the C-Tac staff.

C-Tac Business Development Program

Coaching & Staff Development
The C-Tac Business development program was put together to help our affiliate instructors achieve their goal of becoming Professional Martial artists and, for those already in the industry, help them improve their business processes so that they may move to the next level of achievement. This program is delivered both in classroom sessions and individual one-on-one business coaching. We also Will help you develop your staff if it is needed.
The C-Tac Combat Blueprint

The Combat Blueprint helps the student to see what he is training in a big pitcher format, it keeps him focused on what the primal human will do in a stressful situation and allows us to organize our training in a more intelligent manner so we may achieve more in less time. The Blueprint also helps keep us focused on the high percentage areas and techniques that will be successful in a violent exchange.

C-Tac follows a unique method of instruction when covering the topic of gun disarms. We believe that just learning a list of techniques on this topic does not adequately prepare the individual to deal with this environment. Instead, we strive to approach it from a principal-based study of each of the fundamental requirements for the survival of the disarming process. Approaching this topic with more of a principal-based approach allows the student to get a deeper understanding of what needs to happen. It also allows them to apply the information in various situations. Following this educational process, we believe disarming becomes more of an art than just a few techniques.